Friday, March 18, 2016

Thoughts on Climate Change

I believe climate change is a very serious issue and if we do not do something about it quickly, there will be dire consequences. We can feel that the temperature is increasing globally, the weather is becoming erratic. There are droughts in places like California. The monsoon has weakened in India by 10% because of El Niño. To be honest, this is bad news. If the monsoon has weakened by 10 % that will definitely affect the agriculture there. Climate change is affecting people’s lives in unimaginable ways. The article also mentioned that 2014, 2015, and 2016 will be some of warmest years ever. This summer, the temperature in New Delhi, India hit 50 degrees Celsius! That has never happened before!I remember being in India during the summer in my childhood and the hottest it would get was around 45                                         degrees Celsius. It proves that the world is really getting warmer;
it is not just a hoax. I think that the governments around the world should have strict regulations regarding greenhouse gas emissions. I think the government should regulate how much a person should be allowed to drive a month and encourage people to use public transportation. I also think that the government should place harsh restrictions on factories producing pollution. Every time I pass through factories in Taipei or in other cities in Taiwan I see carbon dioxide being emitted. Carbon dioxide is being emitted all over the world, especially in countries like China which has a huge population and a growing industry.  All I can think about is the air pollution being created. I believe that climate change is a very serious issue, and if we do not do something about it soon, there will be side effects which we are already beginning to see.