Friday, December 29, 2017

10 Ways to Become a More Responsible Person

The older we get, the more responsibilities we seem to have. We have to handle our lives, our jobs, and our family and somehow manage everything to the best of our ability. It is difficult to be a responsible adult. However, nothing is impossible. Did you know it can actually negatively affect your life if you are not a responsible person?

Today we will discuss ten ways you can become a more responsible person in life.

1) Stop blaming others
It is very easy to point your fingers and blame somebody for the education or the job that you did not get. Admit you actually failed and take the time to think back about the real reason you actually failed. By looking for excuses, and shifting the blame to someone/something else you are actually being irresponsible.

2) Stop being negative
Negative thoughts tend to be overpowering. It makes us think that is impossible to achieve whatever it is that we want to achieve. Actually, it is just tends to be in our head. We can do anything once we put our mind to it. Remember impossible is nothing. Try to keep a positive attitude and with that you will start to have more positive thoughts as well.

3) Do not complain
You fill yourself with negativity if you keep complaining about everything around you. Instead of nagging and complaining about all your problems, think about ways you can solve them. It is time to stop complaining and start taking action.

4) Be on time
"Early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable!" - Eric Jerome Dickey
You have to be punctual if you want to be regarded as a responsible adult. When you show up on time to an event or a meeting, you are showing the other person that you take him/her seriously and are not going to waste their time by showing up late.

5) Be organized
Plan your day out. Write down what you need to get done in the day. This will help you be organized and keep you on your toes. You can also use calendar apps and note taking apps for your convenience. By having things written down or on your phone, you can visually track your progress towards your goals and not forget anything.

6) Be consistent
Have a schedule and try to stick to it as much as possible. It helps to be organized as I mentioned above. Routine means order. Having order in your life shows that you are responsible. It shows people that they can depend on you.

7) Be self-disciplined 
"When there is a will, there is a way." -  English Proverb
Now this depends on your willpower. How determined are you to make the change in your life?  You have to push yourself to become a more responsible person. If you are determined, then you can definitely make it happen. Being self-disciplined is a learned trait which will result in you having more control over yourself.

8) Admit your mistakes
Nobody is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes in life. We have to see ourselves and recognize both the good and the bad. Try to improve yourself and make yourself a better person instead of living in denial. Do not blame others for the mistakes in your life. Be accountable for your own actions.

9) Do not procrastinate
Try not to put things off till the last moment. It just will not be your best work. It is better to make a schedule and start working on projects ahead of time. It shows that you are serious about the project you need to get done and are not just interested in getting it done just for the sake of it.

10) Plan ahead 
If you want to go backpacking in Asia, do it! Nothing is stopping you except you. This applies to anything whether it be a promotion in your job or following your dream. Stop looking for excuses and start taking action.

Friday, December 22, 2017

6 Ways to Declutter Your Life for Good

Everyone is so busy in their day-to-day lives that we end up with a ton of things we do not need anymore but have not had the time to actually sort out and get rid of.  

1)  Do not shop impulsively.
The first thing you should do is stop shopping impulsively! Do you really need that new pair of pants? This will help you focus on going shopping only when you need something. Ask yourself, "Do I need these pair of pants? Am I absolutely sure I am going to wear this? Or will it just be sitting in the back of my closet and be forgotten?" This will also help in teaching you self-discipline and it will help you save money in the long-term.

2)  Start decluttering slowly.
It might be overwhelming if you decide to clean out your whole house in a day, so why don't you start slowly? Dedicate 10-20 minutes a day in cleaning out a section of your room. This will help you get into a routine and before you know it, your room will look clean as never before. It will get simpler with time and you will start to get into a habit of regularly decluttering, then you would not need to go on huge decluttering sprees which are time-consuming and tend to be exhausting as well.

3)  Donate/Throw out/Sell old things you do not need anymore.
Look in your closet and separate things that you do not wear anymore, things that do not fit, and things that you genuinely know you will never wear again. There are many people in the world who are actually in need of clothes, why not use this opportunity to donate to a local shelter? If not, you can choose to throw away things you do not need or sell old things if you want to make some extra cash.

4) Get rid of things you 'might use' in the future
As human beings, we tend to hold onto items and encourage ourselves by saying we "might need" it in the future. However that is rarely the case, and we are better off giving things that we do not need right now to those who actually need them. Remember, what is old to us will be new to someone else.

5)  Do not forget about decluttering your digital life
There is so much going on in the online world : our e-mails, social media, blogs, all those apps on our phones, tablets etc. Try to have a routine purge of e-mails that are not important. Delete unnecessary apps that are taking up space on your phone or tablet. Do you really need to have five different social media accounts? Choose 2-3 which matter to you the most and focus on those. One more thing, I would suggest you to turn off notifications from random apps. It just adds to the clutter and is unnecessary.

6)  Freedom!
A less cluttered house will result in a less cluttered brain. Decluttering is helpful in that it will teach you to value that things that you actually decide to keep at the end. It will also help in bringing peace to your life and helping you to learn to live a more fulfilling life without as many material possessions.

Friday, December 15, 2017

10 Ways to Become a More Productive Person

How can you become a more productive person? 

It feels like we are all trying to get so much done while not actually getting that much done at the same time. The to-do list seems as if it is never-ending. We are also constantly adding new things to the list. It feels as if there is just never enough time for us to accomplish everything we absolutely need to get done. Is productivity really about getting the most done in the least amount of time possible?

Today we will talk about ten way you can become a more productive person in life.

1)  Stop adding things to the to-do list 
Take a hard look at that to-do list and ask yourself, "What are the most important tasks I need to carry out on this list?" Cross off things which you do not need.  Remember it is important to take a less is more approach. This will help you to focus on accomplishing the things that really matter.

2)  Multitasking is a no-no
When you try to get everything done at once by multitasking, it is difficult for your brain to concentrate on everything all at once. Our brains are just not wired that way. Studies have shown that our brains are in fact, wired to mono-task. Chances are by multitasking, you would not have done such a great job on all five things you were trying to working on at once. It is better to focus on one thing at once. When you are done with that, move onto the next thing.

3)  Take short breaks
In order to rejuvenate yourself, why don't you incorporate short breaks throughout the day? You can work for an hour and then take a 10-15 minute break. You can do anything during the break. Take a short walk, stretch, go grab a snack, check your phone etc. Basically you can do anything as long as it was not the task you were working on during your work time. When you get back to the task on hand after the break, you will feel fresh and energized which in turn which help boost your productivity.

4)  Stick to a routine
Routines help to create structure in our lives and works to eliminate distraction. If you have a routine, you know exactly what you have to do and how you set out to accomplish the task. Since you already have a routine, all you have to do is work and focus on the task at hand. You won't waste time by thinking and trying to figure out what you have to get done since you have already planned it out in advance.

5)  Get up early
Try using this extra time to meditate, to work out, follow the news, and to have a healthy breakfast. This will help to give you the boost needed to have a productive day. This habit alone will challenge you to put your mind over matter and will help strengthen your willpower to get more done in life. The more time you have available to be productive, the more you will set out to get done.

6)  Are you a morning person or a night person?
Figure out when you actually get tasks done. For some people, they prefer getting things done in the morning, because that's when they have the most energy. While for others, they get their best ideas at night. It is a better idea to schedule your most important tasks to get done during the times you are the most active in your mind.

7)  Set deadlines
Set clear deadlines on the tasks you need to complete. If you do not set deadlines, you will forever be trying to put it off for later. Use it to help you to focus and stay in control of what you need to get done and when.

8)  Reward yourself
After completing your tasks, why don't you give yourself a pat on the back and treat yourself to something nice? This way you will trick yourself into working much faster if you know you will get a reward after finishing the task at hand.

9)  Make use of your spare time
If you think about it, you have a lot of spare time throughout the day to use to gain knowledge. For instance, why not use your commute time to listen to a podcast or read a book? This way, you are learning through the experience of others. By combining what you have learned through podcasts, books and through hands-on experience, it helps you to better you as a person in what you seek to achieve in the future. (Knowledge is important to achieve success. )

10)  Get rid of distractions around you
Distractions are everywhere, in the form of social media, the TV, your phones etc. Try turning off notifications on your phone when you're working so that you can focus on the task at hand. You do not really need to know who just posted on Instagram or Snapchat. You can save it for later, when you actually have time.

It is not easy to be productive, but the results at the end are definitely worth it.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Advantages and Disadvantages of E-books and Traditional books

There are many ways to read a book in today's world. Whether it's through purchasing an e-book online or by buying traditional books at a store, books have come a long way. There are several advantages and disadvantages of both e-books and traditional books.

First, we will discuss the advantages of e-books. 

1) E-books are easily accessible. You can purchase e-books at the tip of your fingers. You can read them on your phone, on your tablet device or any other electronic device anytime you want.

2) In comparison to printed books, e-books are much more environmentally friendly. As e-books are the digital version of a book, it does not need to be printed like traditional books which saves trees. Another reason e-books are environmentally friendly, is that there won't be any pollution associated with shipping as e-books do not need to be shipped to a store near you like printed books.

3) E-books help to preserve books. E-books are ageless.  Unlike traditional books, e-books will not rot and fall apart with time. Your printed books might start to fade with time, and the pages might turn yellow. However with the e-book, as long as there is no problem with your electronic device, your e-book will look the same as when you first bought it.

4) If a catastrophe were to ever occur, you will not end up losing your entire book collection. As long as your electronic device is safe you have nothing to worry about.

However, e-books also have some disadvantages.

When you use e-books, you are staring into a screen. In the long-term, it does cause damage to your eyes.

2) E-books are not exactly cheap, sometimes it costs the same, if not more, than the actual printed version of the book. As traditional books have to be printed and shipped, it does not make sense if the electronic version of the book costs the same amount, or even more, than the actual printed version of the book.

3) Did you know that when you purchase an e-book on your electronic device you have not actually bought the e-book? You have just paid money to have the license to read the book. Which means, the license can be revoked anytime the company deems necessary. I would suggest checking the terms of service when you buy an e-book next time.

4) I mean this is obvious but if you want to read e-books, you must have an electronic device. Electronic devices are not cheap. Especially if you are looking to shop for a specific tablet for reading such as a Kindle. You have to first pay to buy the hardware, then pay to purchase the e-books to fill it up.

On the other hand, we also have traditional books.

1) Traditional books are timeless and the feeling of holding an actual book in your hand is like no other.

2) Traditional books are also comparatively better for your eyes than e-books, as it does not put excess pressure on your eyes the way that staring into an electronic device does. Print is better for the eyes than light from electronic devices. Studies have shown that print books help retain memory of what you have read in the long-term.

3) If an e-book and printed books cost the same amount of money, it would be more worth purchasing a traditional book than a printed book. As I mentioned earlier, traditional books have to be printed and shipped, it does not make sense if the electronic version of the book costs the same amount, or even more, than the actual printed version of the book.

 4) You can collect your traditional books in your bookshelf. There is a certain novelty factor in collecting traditional books and filling your shelves with new books you have gotten. People can also get to know you better by seeing the types of books your bookshelves are filled with.

Nonetheless, there also some disadvantages to the traditional way of reading.

1) Print books do take up a lot of space, especially if you have the habit of regularly purchasing them. Your bookshelves might get full then you need to think of new places to keep your books.

2) Print books aren't actually environmentally friendly. First, you need to cut down trees for the paper. Then you need to ship the books to different countries. All of which contribute to pollution associated with shipping.

3) Over time, traditional books tend to disintegrate and fall apart. This can be troublesome if you are someone who enjoys travelling with books or if you plan to pass the book to someone else.

4) Books may make their way to landfills, if someone chooses to throw it away. In order to destroy the book there, it produces twice the climate change emissions than the manufacturing process of the print book itself.

In the end, it all boils down to preference. Some people might prefer the convenience of an e-book, while others may prefer the comfort of a printed book. However if you are someone who prefers traditional books, I would suggest you to check out your local library and borrow books from there in order to be more eco-friendly. 

Thursday, November 30, 2017

How to get into the habit of writing?

Hmm, now I'll be honest, this is a tough one. It is not easy to develop a habit. Much less a habit that requires you to be creative.

But here we go, let's give it a try. Now how do you develop a habit of writing consistently? 

Well, first of all, you have this goal : writing consistently.

Second, you have to be determined enough to follow through. Granted, life does tend to get in the way sometimes, but you have to push yourself and be dedicated to keep up writing. It does not necessarily have to be for a public platform. You can write for yourself, on a notebook or a diary. You should write because you enjoy writing, right?

As I mentioned in my earlier blog post (The importance of time management), you should write down your goals and set reminders for yourself to accomplish them.

In my opinion, you don't have to write every single day, but try to write at least three or four times a week. Make yourself a cup of coffee, sit down on your desk and start brainstorming. You can write about anything, actually. Write about what inspires you, or write about anything you have on your mind. Writing is a great way to express your thoughts and ideas.

For instance, if you are thinking about writing a book, or a blog post, why not take the time to write some of the ideas down first, and then continue to expand on it later?

This way writing won't seem to be so overwhelming and exhausting. This is also a good way to stop writer's block. Since you have jotted down some of your ideas beforehand, it will be much more easier to expand on it.

In short, writing consistently is difficult. It takes a lot of dedication to be motivated to continue writing. However, the more you write, the more naturally it will come to you. Soon you will start looking forward to these writing sessions and then there's no looking back:)

Friday, November 24, 2017

The importance of time management in your life

In today's fast-moving world, it is increasingly difficult to manage our time in such a way that we use it to the fullest. Learning to manage time is a process. 

My advice would be to make a list of everything you need to get done.

Make a daily schedule of what you need to do during the day and make it as detailed as possible. Write down specific times, dates, events etc 

Set reminders on your phone, on your laptop or basically any electronic devices you have.

If you prefer writing things down by hand, you can use post-it notes. Another idea is to have calendar notebook and use that to write everything you need to get done. Calendar notebooks are convenient because you can carry it around wherever you 
need to go. 

You can make a simpler schedule at first. Stick to that schedule as religiously as possible. It will be difficult at first, but once it becomes a habit, it will come naturally to you.

You will be surprised to see how much time you have wasted all along. 

Time management will teach you how to make the most of your time and how to be more productive throughout the day.

Remember everyone has 24 hours in a day. The key is how you use the time you have.

Friday, November 17, 2017

How to keep yourself motivated?

     It is not easy to keep yourself motivated especially if you have repeatedly been disappointed or faced failure. It is tough to keep yourself motivated during these trying times because you start having negative thoughts. You start doubting and questioning yourself. 

However, it is important that in difficult times you don't give up hope. Be patient. Everything will come at the right time. 

You might feel sorry for yourself and say 'Why did I fail that job interview? I think I did well'. That is perfectly fine, it's normal. You can introspect and think how you can improve next time. 

Nonetheless, it is important to look ahead and explore other opportunities. Maybe that job wasn't meant for you. There's always something for everyone. 

Some advise to keep yourself motivated is to be surrounded by friends and family. Your loved ones care about you and will always be encouraging.

Be positive! Having a positive mindset works wonders. If you have a negative mindset for instance, 'I think I'm going to fail so I'm not even gonna try this time in order to keep myself from getting disappointed.' You are giving up before you even try. 

Oh and last but not least, why not reward yourself when you complete your goal? This is effective in keeping you motivated because it will help in encouraging you to be  rewarded when you finally achieve your goal. This could be anything from treating yourself to a nice lunch to buying yourself something luxurious.

Remember life only moves forward not backwards.