Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Video Blog

Romanticism vs Realism
In romanticism, the characters are larger than life, and it is usually very exaggerated.In realism, it shows what may happen in real life, the ordinary things that happen in our daily lives.Example of romanticism:The Patriots. Example of realism: In the story we read in class, An Episode of War

Stream of consciousness 200 words.....

Wait, what just happened? I just lost my arm?! I can't believe I lost my arm?! It just happened so fast! How will I survive with only one arm? But it's ok, I guess,at least I did not die.......What will my family think? I wonder...... I think the way I lost my arm is so weird?! We soldiers were just playing archery. Because we did not have much to do and we were just goofing off. But I never expected to lose an arm?! So this is what actually happened, one of the soldier were playing archery and I wasn't paying much attention and the bow hit me accidentally. I was so shocked! We all were actually. We were worried about what would happen now. I was thinking if my arm would be saved or if I would lose it forever. My arm was bleeding a lot. We ran to find the nearest doctor. But when we found him, he said, it's too late now. You will have to get it amputated. I was very surprised, angry and shocked but accidents do happen from time to time. So then the doctor amputated my arm and I was only left with one arm.

Group:me, Vivian, Emily, ivy, Annika, Sally

1 comment:

  1. `I love your video. So well done. Your part was entertaining.

    You have also captured at least one of the differences between Romanticism and Realism. Something important, and perhaps more essential, is that Romanticism is all about feeling and what you imagine the world to be. Realism, on the other hand, presents the world as it really is without feeling.

    You also did a nice job of making the story of losing your arm unimpressive and without emotion. I also like how dramatic you made the beginning. Very simple, very good.
